a. theory basement.
1. air
a. explanation
air a gas mixture towards in layer that surround earth. gas mixture composition and the concentration not always constant, depending from weather conditon and temperature (fardiaz, 1992). follow wardhana (2004), air is atmosphere that reside in around earth the function of vital importance for where does air composition comparison not permanent. depend on air temperature conditon, air pressure at vinicity environment. in air found oxygen to breathe, co2 for photosynthesis by leaf chlorophyll and ozone to hold back ultraviolet light.
b. quality and concept composition
air quality depend on several factor that is speed and wind direction, temperature profile, sunshine total that can produce photochemistry reaction, presipitasi that can to clean udra (tjokrokusumo, 1998).
based on air quality is divided to be 2 kinds that is:
1) clean air
clean air when has dry air composition with all aqueous vapour has been caused with constant relative (fardiaz, 1992). air composition bersihd denunciated dry approximately compiled by nitrogen 78,09%, oxygen 21,94%, argon 0,93%, co2 0,032%, gass other found in air among others noble gas, hydrogen metan, oxide sulphur, ammonia and as it.
2) polluted air
found substance or foreign ingredient likes solid particle, drop liquida from atmosphere, or toxic compound in air with total or certain degree with presents mengudara within long, will disturb human life and being other. when does conditon like that happen so air said polluted (wardhana, 2004).
meanwhile follow slamet (2004), polluted air definition equal to air pollution that is ingredients existence or foreign substance in that causes air never found clean without polutan absolutely.
air with polluted conditon can stay in emotion air form and air ambient. emission air air that taked to pass a correct smoke chimney moment appear smoke chimney mouth from result side a process with air condition admits of to controlsed before removed into the air free. air ambient adalahudara that reside in free environment and can not be controlsed again (wardhana, 2004). two factor that causes air is polluted factor scientific and factor human activity. air pollution source that caused by human among others industry and transportation.
fast development development these days, especially in the field of industrial, have consequences in the increasing of motor vehicle total that use fossil fuel (oil) as transportation tool. this matter causess air ambient be polluted by burning result outcast gass from motor vehicle.
follow wardhana (2004), in general source pencemar air there two kinds, that is:
a) internal factor (natural), example:
(1) dust beterbangan wind blowing consequence
(2) ash (dust) that taked from volcano explosion next vulcanic gass
(3) rubbish the process of obsolence organic
b) factor external (human activity), example:
(1) gas emission throws away from motor vehicle
(2) dust or powder from industrial activity
(3) chemistry substances use that atomized into the air
air pollution kind
there are some air pollution kind. seen from the physical characteristic, pollution ingredient can be in the form of particle (dust, aerosol, black tin), gas (co, nox, sox, h2s, hc), and energy (noise temperature). based on insident bentuknya pollution, consist of primary pollution (mengemisikan direct by source) and secondary pollution (formed because reaction on the air between various substance).
temporary emission pattern will classify pollution pattern from point source (point source), line source (lino source), and source area (area sourve). air pollution kind beasal from line source (lino source) source pencemar ever increasing the total from time to time along with more the increasing of motor vehicle total, so that highway begins many built especially at metropolis (soedomo, 2001).
1. carbon monoxide (co)
co gas odourless and doesn't feel with in gasiform bormal temperature not coloured. gas co can formed liquid in be 1920c temperature. this component has heavy as big as 96,5% from heavy water and insoluble in water. reaction speed to change co be co2 that in only can cause the loss of around 0,1% in one clock from co with sunshine existence (fardiaz 1992).
temporary process bentuknya co also can from various process (wardhana, 2004) among others:
1) imperfect burning towards carbon monoxide or component contains carbon, happen if oxygen total available less than total that wanted for perfect burning. formation co only happen if existing reactance from carbon and pure oxygen with reaction as follows:
2c + o2 2co
if air total (oxygen) enough or stoikiometris so will happen reaction furthermore, that is:
co + 0.502 co22) reaction between co2 and component that contain carbon in tall temperature. this reaction happens when fuel pollution and air scraggly so that still there carbon remained but doesn't relate to oxygen. finally when at environment found co2 in tall temperature, so this conditon evokes possibility bentuknya co with as follows:
co2 + c 2co
3) decomposition co2 be co and oxygen atom
in oxygen total condition enough ntuk do perfect burning towards carbon sometimes also formed co. in tall temperature co2 disosiasi is co and oxygen atom with reaction as follows:
co2 co + o
c. hydrocarbon (hc)
structure hc consist of element hydrogen and carbon. physical character is influenced by carbon atom total that composed molecule hc. hydrocarbon ingredient pencemar air that can gasiform, liquid, also padata. hc with pregnancy between 1 - 4 gasiform in room temperature, while carbon pregnancy above five formed liquid and solid. based on the molecule structure, hydro carbon distinguishable in three groups that is: aliphatic hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon aromatic, and hydrocarbon lisiklik (anonymous, 2004).
1) pollution source hc
natural hydrocarbon comes from vegetation and can be in the form of fuel not yet on fire. gaseous hydrocarbon metane and etene (sunu, 2001). hc that produced only 15% human. source hc human process result industrial process, evaporation pelarut organic and rubbish burning. hydrocarbon principal product source motor vehicle smoke (slamet, 2004)
hc as pencemar primary and give biggest contribution in pollution oksidan chemistry photo. when does pollution hc espoused with ingredient pencemaan nox, so denganoksigen free on the air kan form peryoxy aromatic nitrase (pan). when does hydrocarbon present mengudara in number many and mixed with pencemar laina form new tie toxicer is called peryoxy acetyl hydrokarbon (pah) (sunu, 2001).
source pencemar hc completeer showed in label three. based on table three known that transportation is principal source pencemaarn gas hc, engine car is source pencemar hc biggest at sector transportation or 47,5%.
2. vehicle
a. explanation
vehicle adalahsuatu that driven (departement p k, 1997). vehicle is used for person mobility and goods. motor vehicle rida two be direct source and mengemisi pollution that come from abahan burn that taked to atmosphere, where is total trip and vehicle perkilometer determined by system trnsportasi (soedomo, 2001)
the increasing of motor vehicle total joins in to determine pollution level. matter ni caused by society need more increase, seingga various vehicle kind even also will bloom especially at loaded metropolis traffic jam. solid city traffic many will produce pollution emission will be be compared rural district region (wardhana, 2004).
b. vehicle muffler
endding muffler from gas ring throws away (muffler) in vehicle. one other influence vehicle muffler quality the construction. in muffler consists of two three channels with holes berdiameter around 3 mm, canalized in one tube (haster, 2000).
bahan-bahanyang used to make muffler, fiber glass to choose gaps between pipe one with another so that can absorb noise. ingredient must hold back towards hot and tekanand arimanifold. follow several things that come along to determine muffler qualities, among others:
1. size
2. tube form uniform
3. good connection
4. tube thickness most outside
5. connection quality
parts found on muffler self consist of 4 parts that is:
1. exile pipe (exhauset pipe), be part bearest with manifold
2. voice silencer (muffler)
3. resonator (katalitik konfenter), reside in between exile pipe (ezhaust pipe) with voice silencer (muffler)
4. transmitter pipe (tile pipe), be pipe menonjorok rear motor (usually by common called muffler)
from explanation explanation on, so researcher bermksud laid mobile charcoal, breksi pumice, and glass wool dlam wheel motor vehicle muffler 2 bermesin 4 not. glass wool being laided in middle muffler, charcoal ktif, breksi pumice, laided at one particular tool design likes pipe mengameternya same like muffler dantidak too long.
in muffler part in made place to put mobile charcoal and breksi pumice that wrapped up strimin soft, long elliptical with middle is given hole to out it gas, mobile charcoal and breksi pumice berposisi mengitari muffler wall, while in part middle given urang to laid glass wool. tool procedure sebtu very simple yaitupada engine time is bringed life, along gas that gush out from muffler so gas automatic will pass by media breksi pumice and mobile charcoal that design in such a manner, so that gas permanent will be adsorbed.
c. vehicle influence towards air quality
actually vehicle can not dirty environment with gas emission height throw away, but dirty also pass voice and hot gas that is produced by chemistry reaction at space burns engine. chemistry reaction at space burns engine aim to produce maximum energy from fuel oxidation result. besides energy, that chemistry reaction is obvious also produce o2 and aqueous vapour as gas throws away.
chemistry reaction or pembkaran in space burns to produce energy for vehicle, in reality never happen finely. so that hydrocarbon bereaki with conditon less o2, finally co that produced very tall, co this be salahs atu polutan for environment.
to decrease air pollution level, vehicle owner best do several things, antaar other by take care good engine, manner drives, vehicle load, use perlngkapan that can depress degree polutan out from gas outcast and avoid component use less useful (haster, 2000).
d. vehicle emission factor
follow soedomo (2001), factor that determine emission intensity of vital importance:
1) fuel
sector has tall dependence towards source energy. like known use energy this especially evoke impact towards environment. most of all product energy conventional and fuel motor plan that used in sector transportation stills to causes out it pollution emission into the air. use bbm petrol in motor always will take compounds will like co, thc, tsp or dust, nox and sox. diesel fuel in diesel motor motor will take several addition compounds beside compound on, most off all factions organic like aldehida and poli aliphatic hydrocarbon.
2) vehicle pattern
vehicle pattern will be one of [the] factor important transportation that directly will influence total and air pollution emission intensity that released by motor vehicle to atmosphere. pattern berkendaraan very menentukanoleh level background social economy. pattern berkendaraan and kerage speed very will influence compound deliverance total pencemar.
pattern berkendaraan marked with frequency magnitude jaland will denunciated to stop will take pollution in number larger ones. the mentioned is espoused with fuel use more and more when compared with vehicle that walk with constant speed for all motor kind good to also diesel motor motor. in the case of burning process that less perfect that affect in air ratio or fuel mengecil, fuel need will increase namum in system burning less perfect. finally degree pencemaranyangk eluar ever greater especially berasald ari itself fuel.
3) vehicle age
also join in influential towards gas emission throws away vehicle. therefore vehicle age restriction necessary mempertimbangakan as one of [the] solution in the effort vehicle emission control of contamination. the mentioned is caused more older vehicle age especially less awat, also potential to give contribution polutan air.
4) vehicle treatment
treatment and machine maintenance holds part of vital importance in depress air pollution level that produced by motor. this matter is caused by engine merupakans umber the pollution. when does engine treatment memadai so emission that produced vehicle potential to member konstribusi polutan air not as big as in vehicle less treatment. in machine maintenance, things required to payed to decrease pollution among others machine maintenance routinely and regular.
e. effortss decrease gas throw away
emission gar throw away be polutan that littered air that produced from gas throws away vehicle (suyanto, 1989). main emission that is produced by vehicle that is hc, co, nox, and partikel-partikelyang out from gas throws away. gas throws away that produced motor vehicle is air pollution potentialest at world. in indonesia smoke test in this time is bing topic discussion, especially mengota-kota big level pencemarann tall the air caused by motor vehicle emission degree height.
several strategies to can demote emission among others:
1) decrease vehicle total, melalusi subtitusi general vehicle
2) decrease travelled distance, pass erudition to tune
3) promoted vehicle kerage speed
4) subtitusi fuel
5) kind substitution and vehicle type
follow haster (2000) gas arrangement throws away divided in three categories that is:
1) control towards steam from system fuel
2) control intervalmesin
3) external control
steam control from system fuel be be done with design system fuel so that can decrease out it petrol steam. engine internal control meliputichamchaft space burns, manifold, and others. internal control with use katalitik konventer in system air hypodermic. this manner can help the happening of burning return from gas throw away so that gas out genuinely safe.
f. control and prevention
various means has been done to controls emission co and h from direct motor vehicle in sumberb. manners mengantaranya (daryanto, 1994):
1. burning engine modification to decrease total polutan formed during burning.
2. development reactor system gas maker throws away so that burning process goes on perfect and polutan dangerous mengubash be polutan more safe
3. pengembangn subtitusi fuel for petrol so that produce polutan and low concentration during burning.
4. pollution low source of power development to replaces engine pembkaran existing
5. control by using four methods, that is inginerasi, adsorbsi, absorbs and konensasi.
several air control of contamination strategies can be done in four nodes:
1) my node
observation that done in the source points. in this observation knowable concentration various pencemar and potential danger that evoked.
be where polutan points (pencemar) first time taked by the source.
2) node ii
observation on ingredient degree pencemar after reside in air ambient. this activity has environment well-being more approaches potential danger from previous.
a) environment ambient where does human present
b) existence polutan begin to be threat towards human
3) node iii
node observation iii observation or measurement indicator biological, that is interaction process between ingredient pencemar with jarigan body.
human contact behaviour with lingkugnan and consumption or absorbs polutan.
4) node iv
observation in this node observation hadpa nagka painfulness from diseases that is estimated related to ingredient pencemar air.
individual that hitted polutan and show the disease phenomenon.
in this watchfulness belongs pengendalin in my node that is control from the source.
g. breksi pumice
breksi pumice many met at provinsi mey. this stone often is called as stone semilir, that is rock formed from collection pumice, cement or compacted baturally by teknaan and time very long. pumice adalahasil solid volcano explosion but light, and has tall porosity. breksi pumice is sediment part epiklasik bersisip with clay rock tufan, sandstone tugan and cobblestone (luwihana, 1993).
breksi pumice happens when magma sour appear to surface and come into contact with air suddenly. pumice or pumice usually found as flakmen that throwed at the (time) of volcano explosion of the size from gravel until hunk, pumice usually also found as discharge or volcano surface current (susetyaningsih, 2003)
breksi pumice contains mineral mengantaranya amontmorilomit, flasper, calcite, illit and zeolite (anonymous, 1997). see structure gets with pelapis formation rock semilier show the source origin volcanic activity activity result precipitation that experience water transportation and precipated at waters jauhdari the source. formation rock veneering alliteration existence semilir show also that sedimentation process repeats periodical, such also the volcanic activity activity. breksi pumice that met berstruktur gradation sedimentation and still to show fragment size rooan white colour 0,2 - 5 cm consists of dominant pumice and andesit, that developing in matrik measure soft sand, ugly grain and more direction on fragment size mengecil with membagian on be sandstone tufan berstruktur laminas (susetyaningsih 2003).
cleaning polutan hc, co and nox from exile channel much the same to, because third polutan concurrent insides method exile channel that done towards co can menggunakanuntuk hc, because co2 be product ends desirable from burning process co and hc (fardiaz, 1992).
physical character breksi pumice:
a. specific gravity (gr/cm3): 1,08 - 1,546
b. porosity (%): 35 - 48
c. strong pressure (kg/cm3): 106,04 - 107,23
d. wearing out (mm/minute): 1,10 - 1,60
e. titk melted revolve (0c): 800
besides menyektor industry breksi also developed as brick successor building material materials. menyektor little industrial breksi pumice is made industry shaped statues and decorator tile or pelapis wall and others.
h. glass wool
glass wool come from glass fibers that has function many, among others worn to make room isolation/silencer, studio, and can also untukkeperluan veneering gipsen and still many again (doelle, 1985). glass wool often worn at motorcycle muffler or car, because has hot stamina tall.
use glass wool in motorcycle muffler among others to muffle voice so that not noisy, durable not porous quick, hold back hot tall, stamina glass wool when worn in motorcycle muffler revolve six-month (afri, 2005). based on explanation on so penuls apply several medias in motorcycle muffler that is breksi pumice and also glass wool to demote emission co and hc.
3. impact co and hc towards well-being.
clear that motor vehicle pollution consequence can be feeled by society, beside ganggunya ecosystem beauty bringing consequence threaten alive preservation and the environment. gass a kind of so2, no2, o2, hc, and belong co (that produced vehicle that wear petrol fuel has presented to floated limit menetapkanoleh special governor letter of appointment yogyakarta number 167 year 2003.
known co come from fuel burning imperfect. this gas not coloured, odourless naum very toxic. this gas when step into lung can causes out of breath, stress and tired fast with decreases recall. these gass can direct causes poisoned, red red corpuscle for example bound by co that is polutan primary and co2 as polutan secondary will causes to lose oxygen and evoke poisoned so that be to faint or even death in somebody (wardhana, 2004).
while pollution hc gaseous be mixed with bahanpenemar another. if shaped liquid akanmembentuk the noodle mist (droplet), while yagn shaped solid appear will like black smoke.
if pollution hc be espoused ingredient nox so with oksifgen free membentu peryoxy acetyl nitrase. furthermore together co, ozone akanmembentuk chemistry photo mist that can botch plants. hc in number many trcampur with ingredient pencemar other so the toxic character menigkat. toxic character hc excelsior if gaseous, caian, and adatan. in keadan gas (steam), hc can causes irritation in membrane mukosa, when enter lung evoke part wound in and infection. this matter is because hydrocarbon akanmembentuk new tie with ingredient pencemar lainnyayang often is called peryoxy aromatic nitrase that stimulate bentuknya when sucked into lung.
toksisitas hydrocarbon gantugn in composers compound hc. hydrocarbon aromatic toxicer from in aliphatic hydrocarbon also hydrocarbon alisiklik.
a. emission limit threshold co and hc
emission deliverance various kind pencemar together with waste or outcast gas. regulation perundangan that be designer penatur and supervisor so that emission co and hc doesn't exceed limit threshold emission air quality book, that is degree limit that permitted for substance or bahanpencemar to taked from source pencemar into the air sehnga doesn't causes melampauinya standard air quality amient (achmad, 2004). standard operative emission quality special province yogyakarta special region governor letter of appointment yogyakarta number 167 year 2003 about standard source emission quality moves motor vehicle at special region yogyakarta. emission limit threshold co 4,5% and for hydrocarbon 2400 ppm.
i. vehicle influence towards air quality
actually vehicle can not dirty environment with gas emission height throw away, but dirty also pass voice and hot gas that is produced by chemistry reaction at space burns engine. chemistry reaction at space burns engine aim to produce maximum energy from fuel oxidation result. besides energy, that chemistry reaction is obvious also produce o2 and aqueous vapour as gas throws away.
chemistry reaction or pembkaran in space burns to produce energy for vehicle, in reality never happen finely. so that hydrocarbon bereaki with conditon less o2, finally co that produced very tall, co this be salahs atu polutan for environment.
to decrease air pollution level, vehicle owner best do several things, antaar other by take care good engine, manner drives, vehicle load, use perlngkapan that can depress degree polutan out from gas outcast and avoid component use less useful (haster, 2000).
j. vehicle emission factor
follow soedomo (2001), factor that determine emission intensity of vital importance:
5) fuel
sector has tall dependence towards source energy. like known use energy this especially evoke impact towards environment. most of all product energy conventional and fuel motor plan that used in sector transportation stills to causes out it pollution emission into the air. use bbm petrol in motor always will take compounds will like co, thc, tsp or dust, nox and sox. diesel fuel in diesel motor motor will take several addition compounds beside compound on, most off all factions organic like aldehida and poli aliphatic hydrocarbon.
6) vehicle pattern
vehicle pattern will be one of [the] factor important transportation that directly will influence total and air pollution emission intensity that released by motor vehicle to atmosphere. pattern berkendaraan very menentukanoleh level background social economy. pattern berkendaraan and kerage speed very will influence compound deliverance total pencemar.
pattern berkendaraan marked with frequency magnitude jaland will denunciated to stop will take pollution in number larger ones. the mentioned is espoused with fuel use more and more when compared with vehicle that walk with constant speed for all motor kind good to also diesel motor motor. in the case of burning process that less perfect that affect in air ratio or fuel mengecil, fuel need will increase namum in system burning less perfect. finally degree pencemaranyangk eluar ever greater especially berasald ari itself fuel.
7) vehicle age
also join in influential towards gas emission throws away vehicle. therefore vehicle age restriction necessary mempertimbangakan as one of [the] solution in the effort vehicle emission control of contamination. the mentioned is caused more older vehicle age especially less awat, also potential to give contribution polutan air.
8) vehicle treatment
treatment and machine maintenance holds part of vital importance in depress air pollution level that produced by motor. this matter is caused by engine merupakans umber the pollution. when does engine treatment memadai so emission that produced vehicle potential to member konstribusi polutan air not as big as in vehicle less treatment. in machine maintenance, things required to payed to decrease pollution among others machine maintenance routinely and regular.
watchfulness other of a kind that support:
1. work writes scientific with title" increasing influence glass wool and zeolite heavy variation towards carbon monoxide emission degree depreciation (co) and hydrocarbon (hc) in car muffler" . work writes scientific that composed by heni dwijayanti polytechnic well-being yogyakarta environment well-being direction year 2006.
watchfulness result: degree co after given increasing glass wool and zeolite heavy variation in car muffler experiences increase 1.97 % from pre test beginning. while degree hc after given increasing glass wool and zeolite heavy variation in kanlpot car experiences penurunanan as big as 471.8 ppm or 40 %.
conclusion: increasing glass wool and zeolite heavy variation can not demote emission degree co but demote emission hc in car muffler.
2. work writes scientific with title" foam increasing influence in car muffler towards carbon monoxide emission degree depreciation (co)" . work writes scientific that composed by ali wafa polytechnic well-being yogyakarta environment well-being direction year 2006.
watchfulness result: known that is emission degree average co before done foam increasing as big as 11,694 % and after done foam increasing is 7,76 %.
conclusion: there influence that have a meaning foam increasing in car muffler towards emission degree depreciation co.
this watchfulness difference is with previous researcher, that is in previous watchfulness never is tried to use breksi pumice, and rara-rata emission depreciation result co and hc in this watchfulness big enough that is in co as big as 57,38 % while in hc as big as 49,26 %. but in this watchfulness is not yet is seen effectiveness from ingredient adsorban.