Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

Manner Makes Website, Manner Makes Site, Make Website Simple, Step Makes Website.

Hayu don't cry then, cep-cep-cep. . . . . . . . come on laugh, see behind you in laugh, sinta aja spirit. . . . . cep. . . . this is me candy affection

1. at require to make website.


- domain your site name, or site address. for example www. semuabisnis. com, or www. serahgwdong. com domain can at can or at buy by at register at service register domain, his cost also belong cheap, average around 100 thousands to 1 domain during 1 year.


- hosting your place keeps files or data hits website you. for example if you want any person who accessings domain or your site so visitor will see photo you at site yard, so you live to put photo you at hosting.

confused? the explanation in short like this, we consider domain that a store address. and then hosting warehouse, or your place decorates your merchandise goods at store.

what out money to make site?

not, if you are email user yahoo there free site service from yahoo. com that is www. geocities. com, but name domain can not you change. must wear supplement geocities. com as penyedia this service. so email address for example yahoo you ambriserver@yahoo. com so your free site address is at geocities. com www. geocities. com/ambriserver if want to wear domain self for example www. nama-anda. com, or without supplement geocities. com so you must buy and register domain you.

please you logging to www. geocities. com, if you has email yahoo. you are unnecessary sign-ups again at geocities, enough logging with wear email yahoo and email password yahoo you.

make site with html.

oh yes, so that learn it easier, i suggest you have front microsoft program page to begin to make your site, otherwise has wear notepad also can.

1. learn to make text and change font (font).

before i begin manner tutorial makes site or website this, you must know formerly, that is code html that always at begin and at cover with tags.

tags first always at begin with . then tags at cover with .

example, my for example wants to make thick font in sentence welcome, then we must use tags as opener tags, and as casing tags.

so code html to make boldface in font welcome like this: welcome at my site. so his result later he will like this: welcome at my site.

such as those which you see, only sentence welcome at boldface at because tags at open and at enclosing in sentence. ascertain you always close tags you open, because if you forget possible entire text at your site yard later thick printed all.

next lists tags necessary you know:

paragraph new:

will open paragraph new. casing tags this

new line:
will make new line for your site yard, resemble command enter at word. casing tags this

boldface: will make font at boldface, the casing

under line: font or number that reside in between tags this has under line. casing tags he is

slash: font or number that reside in between tags this formed sloping (slash). casing tags he is

position in the middle of:

font or number that reside in between tags this will reside in yard midst, casing tags he is

position at left: font or number that reside in between tags this will reside in left site yard, casing tags he is

position at right: font or number that reside in between tags this will reside in right site yard. casing tags he is

change colour: font or number that reside in between tags this rose colored. casing tags he is

change font form: font or number that reside in between tags this use form arial, casing tags he is

change size text: casing tags he is

text walk: huruf or number that reside in between tags this will move from left to right at sail, casing tags he is

note: tags marquee only walk if site yard that use tags this at see by using internet explorer.

2. structure base from yard html.

this example from yard html.


huruf or number that reside in tags this, will be site title anda

hello this my first site yard. if you want aid makes site, please click semuabisnis. com.


explanation from code html above:

tags only say to your browser at which part html code at begins.


title from your site, you can see him at topmost part from your browser.

part so that search engine like google so that can display description short hit your site

contents from website you, after tags

3. make hyperlink (link to site)

- hyperlink a link that can you click to aim to another yard from your site, or aim to site other.


nama link sebut so the result: link name when does this link at click, so will aim to site semuabisnis. com

open link with new windows (new windows)

- if you want link at click opened with new windows, so code

: nama link sebut

change colour from link

: example above will make green coloured link, and link that at click rose colored.

make link email

- make link email very simple, you only necessary inscribe code mailto: emailanda@emailanda. com

example: kirim email to saya, so the result: send email to me

articulate. . . . (tired Writting). .

related link

DI Posting oleh : Dorin Mutoif Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Yogyakarta
D/a : Munggu, Rt.02, Rw.02, Gang Mlaten No.02 No Rumah 05, Petanahan, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah , Indonesia

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